In Tagadi, just 20km from the capital, Tallinn – trains an active driving hobbyist Key Kunman whose idea of a proffessional driving center in Estonia quickly came to reality. While in early spring the preparations for the centre had started then in June we were ready to host the first test competition where drivers from Estonia & Latvia took part in.
”Last preparations this week and we are finally ready to welcome athletes to compete at our first International Driving event.” said Key Kunman
As the consultant of Tagadi driving center, an international driving judge Hillar Talts has pointed out that the last weeks heavy rain had good consequenses while it has shown us the weak spots on our courses that we have enough time to work on for the debute. It is ofcourse an absolute pleasure to note that Estonia has gained another magnificent driving center that will hopefully give a boost to driving sport in general.
Until today driving athletes from Estonia, Latvia, Finland and Sweden have registered to compete against each other on our first International competition. As the organizers we are expecting approximately 30 carriages together with the national classes – which for driving competitions would be a considerably high attendance.